Sebastian Gemkow | Saxon State Minister for Science, Culture and Tourism
Prof. Sebastian M. Schmidt | Scientific Director at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Jana Havlíková | Deputy Minister of Science, Research and Innovation of the Czech Republic
Signe Ratso | Deputy Director-General of Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission (online participation)
Moderation: Dr Jan-Martin Wiarda | Science Journalist
The focus of the conference is on the future areas of Health, Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence as well as Energy and Climate Change. The keynotes by researchers from various countries address different aspects of these research fields and form a good basis for further in-depth discussions in the subsequent lightning talks.
- A Tale of Two Systems: Human and Artificial Intelligence in Radiology
Dr Piotr Sobecki | National Information Processing Institute, Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence, Warsaw
The talk will explore the convergence of human expertise and artificial intelligence in the realm of radiology, delving into cutting-edge innovations that enhance diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. It will discuss the synergy between the two systems, highlighting novel AI applications that augment human capabilities, and showcase advanced concepts of integration of explainable artificial intelligence into diagnostic workflows.
- Earth system analysis in a data rich world
Prof. Miguel Mahecha | University of Leipzig, Earth System Data Science group at the Remote Sensing Centre for Earth System research, Leipzig
The talk will present advances in analysing high-dimensional dynamics in the Earth system to understand climate change impacts e.g. on forest ecosystems. It will also show advances range on interactive visualisations that make terabytes of data accessible to everyone.
- Novel Early Prediction Modalities for Pregnancy-Related Complications
Prof. Ilona Hromadníková | Charles University, Prague, Česká Hlava Prize 2022
Novel method to predict pregnancy-related complications in the first trimester of gestation were developed. These pregnancy-related complications involve gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, small for gestational age foetuses, HELLP syndrome, preterm delivery, gestational diabetes mellitus, and pregnancy loss. The early identification of pregnancies at risk enables clinical teams to start efficient prevention if available, implement more frequent monitoring and start the therapy if necessary. The method is based on the detection of microRNA biomarkers functioning in cardiovascular system and playing a role in pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases by using real-time PCR. The method is applicable in each routine medical genetics laboratory.
Early career researchers from Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany and other Central and Eastern European countries are invited to present their research in the key topics Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence, Energy and Climate Change as well as Health. The sessions include discussions with the Minister-President of Saxony and the Prime Ministers of Poland and of the Czech Republic.
Parallel Sessions:
- Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence
Dr Tobias Dornheim | Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, CASUS – Center for Advanced Systems Understanding
Understanding warm dense matter: from nuclear fusion to planetary science
Dr Anna Gawrońska | Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology
Digital technologies in healthcare: a step towards patient safety and hospital efficiency
Dr Jan Kalina | Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, Institute of Computer Science, The Czech Academy of Sciences
Clinical decision support systems: Towards information-based medicine
Prof. Dr Florian Röhrbein | Chemnitz University of Technology
Brain-inspired Robots for the Next Generation
Dr Julian Thiele | Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden
Pushing the boundaries of tissue engineering and synthetic biology with artificial cells
Violeta Trifunov and Gideon Stein | Computer Vision Group, University of Jena (Germany)
Beyond Correlations. Causal Inference in Earth and Climate Science
Moderation: Dr Peter Steinbach | Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
- Energy & Climate Change
Prof. Alexey Chernikov | Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat at TU Dresden
Novel Quantum Materials
Antonín Kusbach | Department of Remote Sensing, Global Change Research Institute CAS
Assessment of forest productivity across an elevation gradient using satellite data in the CR
Dr Franziska Lederer | Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Department of Biotechnology, Research Group: BioKollekt
How Biology helps in Recycling of Metals for Renewables
Dr Simone Schopf | Fraunhofer FEP, Deputy Division Manager Medical and Biotechnological Applications
New Potential Applications of Low Energy Electron Beam Technology
Dr Minshen Zhu | Chemnitz University of Technology
Small but Mighty: Batteries for Electronically Smart Microdevices
Arkadiusz Żurek | Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Development of new technologies as a recipe for reducing energy costs in the context of climate change
Moderation: Philipp von Haymerle | Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
- Health
Dr Ellen Adams | Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology, Department of Biophysics
Biomolecular Condensates and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Dr Larysa Baraban | Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research, Department of Nano-Microsystems for Life Sciences
Nanoelectronics in the world of cancer research
Dr hab. Dorota Bociąga | Łódź University of Technology
3D Bioprinting in Science and Medicine
Dr Mohamed Elgendy | TU Dresden
Cutting off Cancer Energy Supply
Dr Ondrej Stepanek | Institute of Molecular Genetics, Prague
Unique features of the immune protection mediated by memory T cells
Dr Zohreh Hosseinzadeh | University of Leipzig, Department of Ophthalmology and Eye Hospital
Future is bright with functional retinal Organoids
Moderation: Dr Diana Stiller | Administrative Director at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Dieser Programmpunkt wird simultan übersetzt ins Deutsche, Tschechische und Polnische. | This program item will be simultaneously translated into German, Czech and Polish.
How can politics support research? What new challenges does science face in view of major global challenges? How can the scientific findings result in new applications and products more quickly? How can the countries of Central and Eastern Europe cooperate better with each other? These and other questions will be discussed by young researchers from countries in Eastern and Central Europe with the political representatives.
Michael Kretschmer | Minister-President of the Free State of Saxony
Petr Fiala | Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
Wojciech Murdzek | Secretary of State in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland
Dr Ellen Adams | Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology, Department of Biophysics
Dr Jan Kalina | Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, Institute of Computer Science, The Czech Academy of Sciences
Arkadiusz Żurek | Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Moderation: Dr Jan-Martin Wiarda | Science Journalist
At a get together with food, drinks and live music, there will be many opportunities to network and talk with scientists and politicians.
Projects will be shown, Robot Dogs can be met and a Beer Bike offers a freshly tapped local beer, which can be enjoyed with a wonderful view over the Elbe and Dresden.