Research fields

Matter: Sequencing the structure and function of matter

High magnetic fields, strong laser pulses and intensive particle beams: scientists in our largest research area expose matter to extreme conditions and investigate it in detail.

Health: Research for healing

How can we better recognize the major widespread diseases and treat them effectively? This is the challenge addressed by Health in the Helmholtz Association. HZDR has dedicated itself to the fight against cancer.

We investigate the use of radiation to diagnose cancers better and treat them effectively. Our main concern is to quickly implement results for the benefit of patients.

Energy: Fashioning tomorrow’s energy systems

HZDR develops key technologies for the energy transition. We help industry to save energy and resources.

Our scientists work on methods and strategies for efficiently extracting important high-tech metals from all available sources. And they focus on protecting people and the environment from the hazards of harmful substances released when producing energy and extracting raw materials.